KUALA LUMPUR, 5th Dec 24. The Malaysian Armed Forces Staff College (MAFSC) had organised first time ever Regimental Dinner combined with Graduation Night as one of its annual activities on 05 December 2024 at Malaysian Armed Forces Officers Mess, Kuala Lumpur.
The MAFSC Regimental Dinner and Graduation Night was the most highly anticipated annual events of the college. The night was a planned activity which was held with the intention of commemorating the Course Participant (CP) from both local and overseas, the accomplishment at the end of the course. The event was also for the CP to their appreciate to all Faculty Members (FM) and Directing Staff (DS) and to expose CP in organising events and planning while encouraging teamwork.
It was conducted during dinner time and involved Malaysian regimental etiquette, the launching of HIKMAT Magazine of MCSCJ Serial 53/2024, CP and BAKAT’s video montage, CP Performances, award to CP and FM/DS and memento presentation to the college.
Present on the night were Brig Gen Zamsari bin Abu Hasan, Commandant of MAFSC with spouse, Prof Dr. Adam Leong Kok Wey, the Distinguish Fellow of MAFSC from the National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM), Lt Col Associate Prof Dr S Ananthan A/L Subramaniam (Retired), Director of NDUM Institute of Executive Education (NIEEd), FM/DS, CP from Cohort 53/2024 with spouse. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of memento to MAFSC Commandant.